[1] gives the definitions for conversion from RGB to YCbCr as follows:
E'Y= 0.299*E'R + 0.587*E'G + 0.114*E'B (E'R-E'Y)= 0.701*E'R-0.587*E'G-0.114*E'B (E'B-E'Y)= -0.299*E'R-0.587*E'G+0.886*E'BHere, E'R, E'B and E'G are gamma corrected RGB intensities within the range [0.0,1.0]. E'Y is the intensity channel and it has the range [0.0,1.0]. The other two channels are color channels. These end up with ranges [-0.701,+0.701] and [-0.886,+0.886]. We normalize them to fit within [-0.5,0.5].
E'Y= 0.299*E'R + 0.587*E'G + 0.114*E'B E'Cr= (E'R-E'Y) / 1.402 E'Cb= (E'B-E'Y) / 1.772 .. E'Y= 0.299*E'R + 0.587*E'G + 0.114*E'B E'Cr= 0.701/1.402*E'R-0.587/1.402*E'G-0.114/1.402*E'B E'Cb= -0.299/1.772*E'R-0.587/1.772*E'G+0.886/1.772*E'B .. E'Y= 0.299*E'R + 0.587*E'G + 0.114*E'B E'Cr= 0.5*E'R-0.41869*E'G-0.08131*E'B E'Cb= -0.16874*E'R-0.33127*E'G+0.5*E'BThis can be rewritten as a matrix operation.
| E'Y | | E'R | | E'Cr | = A x | E'G | | E'Cb | | E'B | where A is | 0.299 0.587 0.114 | | 0.5 -0.41869 -0.08131 | | -0.16874 -0.33127 0.5 |If we multiply each side with the inverse of A from the left, we end up with:
| E'Y | | E'R | A-1 x | E'Cr | = A-1 x A x | E'G | | E'Cb | | E'B | | E'R | | E'Y | | E'G | = A-1 x | E'Cr | | E'B | | E'Cb |The matrix Q = A-1 is:
| 1 1.402 0 | | 1 -0.71414 -0.34414 | | 1 0 1.772 |So, when we get a F= (E'Y,E'Cr,E'Cb) vector, we multiply it with Q and get a K= (E'R,E'G,E'B) vector.
Value | Min | Max | Levels |
Y | 16 | 235 | 220 |
Cr | 16 | 240 | 225 |
Cb | 16 | 240 | 225 |
R | 16 | 235 | 220 |
G | 16 | 235 | 220 |
B | 16 | 235 | 220 |
Since E'Cr and E'Cb have the range [-0.5,+0.5], the value Cr=128 is mapped to E'Cr=0.0. The same applies to Cb=128 and E'Cb=0.0. Here are the conversion equations after the input has been clamped to the proper ranges:
E'Y = (Y-16)/219 E'Cr= (Cr-128)/224 E'Cb= (Cb-128)/224 CONV.1
The number 1 will be represented as:
iiiF FFFF FFFF FFFF 1 = 0010 0000 0000 0000 = 0x2000 = Fp1Using this value, I can easily convert any floating point number to a fixed point number:
#define Fp(X) ((int16_t)((X)*Fp1))Now, we will deal with two kinds of numbers: fixed point numbers (F) and integer numbers (I). Here are the rules governing their use:
F + I ==> incorrect F + I * Fp1 ==> F F - I ==> incorrect F - I * Fp1 ==> F F + F ==> F F - F ==> F F * I ==> F F / I ==> F F * F ==> incorrect F * F / Fp1 ==> F F / F ==> incorrect (F* Fp1)/F ==> F F / Fp1 ==> I I * Fp1 ==> FWe could easily put CONV.1 in tables to save ourselves three divisions and six comparisons for each conversion.
int16_t Ytab[256]; int16_t Ctab[256]; for(Y=0;Y<256;Y++) { if (Y<16) Yp= 16; else if (Y>235) Yp= 235; else Yp= Y; Ytab[Y]= (Yp-16)*Fp1 / 219; } for(C=0;C<256;C++) { if (C<16) Cp= 16; else if (C>240) Cp= 240; else Cp= C; Ctab[C]= (Cp-128)*Fp1 / 224; }Given these tables, now it's very easy to do the conversion:
#define CLAMP(X,L,H) ( (X)<(L)? (L) : ( (X)>(H) ? (H) : (X) ) ) void YCbCr_to_RGB(uint8_t Y, uint8_t Cb, uint8_t Cr, uint8_t *R, uint8_t *G, uint8_t *B) { int16_t fY, fCb, fCr; int32_t fR, fG, fB, iR, iG, iB; fY= Ytab[Y]; fCb= Ctab[Cb]; fCr= Ctab[Cr]; fR= fY + Fp(1.402) *fCr / Fp1; fG= fY - Fp(0.71414) *fCr / Fp1 - Fp(0.34414)*fCb / Fp1; fB= fY + Fp(1.772) *fCb / Fp1; iR= fR * 255 / Fp1; iG= fG * 255 / Fp1; iB= fB * 255 / Fp1; *R= CLAMP(iR,RGBlo,RGBhi); *G= CLAMP(iG,RGBlo,RGBhi); *B= CLAMP(iB,RGBlo,RGBhi); }Here, (RGBlo,RGBhi) can be defined to either (0,255) or (16,235). The second pair will comply with the ITU recommendation. The first one may provide more colors.
This version works well, but it can be optimized. In the computation of (fY,fCb,fCr) we have 3 memory accesses. For (fR,fG,fB) we have 4 multiplications. If we use 4 tables instead of 1 for the color channels, we can reduce the overall usage to 5 memory accesses and 0 multiplications. I don't know whether this would be faster or not. Theoretically, the memory accesses would hit the cache a lot because the kind of images I'm processing have a lot of smooth areas (real life images from a camera). But this needs to be investigated of course. So, the new function would be:
void YCbCr_to_RGB(uint8_t Y, uint8_t Cb, uint8_t Cr, uint8_t *R, uint8_t *G, uint8_t *B) { int16_t fY, fCb, fCr; int32_t fR, fG, fB, iR, iG, iB; fY= Ytab[Y]; fR= fY + CrTAB1[Cr]; fG= fY - CrTAB2[Cr] - CbTAB1[Cb]; fB= fY + CbTAB2[Cb]; iR= fR * 255 / Fp1; iG= fG * 255 / Fp1; iB= fB * 255 / Fp1; *R= CLAMP(iR,RGBlo,RGBhi); *G= CLAMP(iG,RGBlo,RGBhi); *B= CLAMP(iB,RGBlo,RGBhi); }The initialization function and the tables would look like:
int16_t Ytab[256], CrTAB1[256], CrTAB2[256], CbTAB1[256], CbTAB2[256]; void init_tables() { int Y, Yp, C, Cp; for(Y=0;Y<256;Y++) { if (Y<16) Yp= 16; else if (Y>235) Yp= 235; else Yp= Y; Ytab[Y]= (Yp-16)*Fp1 / 219; } for(C=0;C<256;C++) { if (C<16) Cp= 16; else if (C>240) Cp= 240; else Cp= C; CrTAB1[C]= Fp(1.402 * (Cp-128)/224); CrTAB2[C]= Fp(0.71414 * (Cp-128)/224); CbTAB1[C]= Fp(0.34414 * (Cp-128)/224); CbTAB2[C]= Fp(1.772 * (Cp-128)/224); }In the new function, access to CrTAB1[Cr] will bring in CrTAB1[Cr+1] or CrTAB1[Cr-1] into the cache. This could be useful for the next pixel, or it may not. Instead, I could interleave CrTAB1 and CrTAB2 so that when I access CrTAB1[Cr], CrTAB2[Cr] is already in the cache. I will later make some sort of a test function to see which performs the best. So the new code is:
int16_t Ytab[256], CrTAB[512], CbTAB[512]; void init_tables() { int Y, Yp, C, Cp; for(Y=0;Y<256;Y++) { if (Y<16) Yp= 16; else if (Y>235) Yp= 235; else Yp= Y; Ytab[Y]= (Yp-16)*Fp1 / 219; } for(C=0;C<256;C++) { if (C<16) Cp= 16; else if (C>240) Cp= 240; else Cp= C; CrTAB[2*C+0]= Fp(1.402 * (Cp-128)/224); CrTAB[2*C+1]= Fp(0.71414 * (Cp-128)/224); CbTAB[2*C+0]= Fp(0.34414 * (Cp-128)/224); CbTAB[2*C+1]= Fp(1.772 * (Cp-128)/224); } } void YCbCr_to_RGB(uint8_t Y, uint8_t Cb, uint8_t Cr, uint8_t *R, uint8_t *G, uint8_t *B) { int16_t fY, fCb, fCr; int32_t fR, fG, fB, iR, iG, iB; fY= Ytab[Y]; fR= fY + CrTAB[2*Cr+0]; fG= fY - CrTAB[2*Cr+1] - CbTAB[2*Cb+0]; fB= fY + CbTAB[2*Cb+1]; iR= fR * 255 / Fp1; iG= fG * 255 / Fp1; iB= fB * 255 / Fp1; *R= CLAMP(iR,RGBlo,RGBhi); *G= CLAMP(iG,RGBlo,RGBhi); *B= CLAMP(iB,RGBlo,RGBhi); }Here, it looks like we have more operations because array indices have become more complicated. However, an optimizing compiler will optimize those out since 2*Cr and 2*Cb are common expressions and the +1 operation can be done on the array address instead of the index. Whether my compiler does it needs to be investigated but I think it will.
What I'm interested in is whether the clamping operations are necessary in case I set (RGBlo,RGBhi) to (0,255). If not, speed should skyrocket. It turns out that the clamping is strong. I looped thru all possible values with these additional functions and got some discouraging results:
int clamped_lo, clamped_hi; int clamp_min= RGBhi; int clamp_max= RGBlo; int imin2(int a,int b) { return a<b ? a:b; } int imax2(int a,int b) { return a>b ? a:b; } int CLAMP(int X,int L,int H) { if (X<L) { clamped_lo++; clamp_min=imin2(clamp_min,X); return L; } if (X>H) { clamped_hi++; clamp_max=imax2(clamp_max,X); return H; } return X; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { int Y,Cb,Cr; uint8_t R,G,B; init_tables(); for(Y=0;Y<256;Y++) for(Cb=0;Cb<256;Cb++) for(Cr=0;Cr<256;Cr++) conv_YCbCr_to_RGB(Y,Cb,Cr, &R, &G, &B); printf("clamped: lo=%d hi=%d\n", clamped_lo, clamped_hi); printf(" min=%d max=%d\n", clamp_min, clamp_max); return 0; } clamped: lo=9514671 hi=9840912 min=-225 max=480What's worse is that even gcc-O3 generates jumps for the clamping statements. Here is an excerpt:
xorl %eax, %eax testl %edi, %edi js .L25 cmpl $255, %edi movl $255, %eax cmovle %edi, %eax .L25: # the next instruction is for the next component. ignore it. testl %edx, %edx movb %al, (%r8)Maybe I can find another way to do the clamping for the range (0,255). If a 32 bit signed number is outside this range, it certainly has some bits set in the upper 24 bits. If the highest bit is set, then the number is negative and the result should be 0. Otherwise, the number is positive and the result should be 255.
Let's shift the number to clamped, say X, 24 times to the right:
Z = X >> 24;If X is negative, Z will be 0xFFFFFFFu, otherwise it will be 0x0000000u where u is the highest nibble of X. In our case the values subject to clamping are already shifted to the right by 13 bits so u will be 0xF for negative X and 0 otherwise. So we have:
D= (X<<23) >> 31;For all negative values of X we're interested in, bit 8 is also set. These run from -225 to -1, which all fit in 9 bits. Therefore, bit 8 is always 1 for these values. Let's consider only the lower 8 bits of our values from now on. Now we have:
case 1: D ^ Z = 0 D & Z = 0xFF R = 0 case 2: D ^ Z = 0 D & Z = 0 R = X case 3: D ^ Z = 0xFF D & Z = 0 R = 0xFF R= (D ^ Z) | (X & ~ (D&Z)) case 1: 0 | (X & ~ 0xFF ) = (X & 0) = 0 case 2: 0 | (X & ~ 0 ) = (X & 0xFF) = X case 3: 0xff | (X & ~ 0 ) = 0xFFI'm really curious about this now.
#define CLAMPBYTE(T, X, D, Z) \ Z = (X) >> 24; \ D = ((X)<<23) >> 31; \ T = (D^Z) | ((X)&~(D&Z)) void YCbCr_to_RGB(uint8_t Y, uint8_t Cb, uint8_t Cr, uint8_t *R, uint8_t *G, uint8_t *B) { int16_t fY; int32_t fR, fG, fB, iR, iG, iB; int32_t Dr, Dg, Db, Zr, Zg, Zb; fY= Ytab[Y]; fR= fY + CrTAB[2*Cr+0]; fG= fY - CrTAB[2*Cr+1] - CbTAB[2*Cb+0]; fB= fY + CbTAB[2*Cb+1]; iR= fR * 255 / Fp1; iG= fG * 255 / Fp1; iB= fB * 255 / Fp1; CLAMPBYTE(*R, iR, Dr, Zr); CLAMPBYTE(*G, iG, Dg, Zg); CLAMPBYTE(*B, iB, Db, Zb); }It does work. I don't see any overflowed colors or anything. Nice. Here, D* and Z* are declared once for each component even though it's not really necessary. I made it so that the compiler doesn't miss a chance to realize that computations of different components are independent of each other.
I noticed one thing though. gcc-O3 couldn't optimize out +1s in the array indices. Either it's not allowed or gcc simply didn't realize that it would work. In any case, here is the improved version:
void YCbCr_to_RGB(uint8_t Y, uint8_t Cb, uint8_t Cr, uint8_t *R, uint8_t *G, uint8_t *B) { int16_t fY; int32_t fR, fG, fB, iR, iG, iB; int32_t Dr, Dg, Db, Zr, Zg, Zb; fY= Ytab[Y]; fR= fY + CrTAB[2*Cr+0]; fG= fY - (CrTAB+1)[2*Cr] - CbTAB[2*Cb]; fB= fY + (CbTAB+1)[2*Cb]; iR= fR * 255 / Fp1; iG= fG * 255 / Fp1; iB= fB * 255 / Fp1; CLAMPBYTE(*R, iR, Dr, Zr); CLAMPBYTE(*G, iG, Dg, Zg); CLAMPBYTE(*B, iB, Db, Zb); }gcc-O3 already optimizes the computations of (iR,iG,iB). These should have been written as:
iR= ((fR<<8)-fR) >> 13; ..However, gcc already does exactly the same thing.
image spd1 2800 usec image spd2 2608 usec image spd3 2454 usec image spd4 3233 usec image spd5 2018 usec image spd6 2723 usec random spd1 2829 usec random spd2 2606 usec random spd3 2492 usec random spd4 3264 usec random spd5 2039 usec random spd6 2761 usecSurprisingly, branchless code executes slower than the branched one. I guess I have a pretty good branch predictor in my CPU. The elimination of multiplications had a good effect. The first optimization is 7% faster than the original. The second one is even better, 15% faster.
Another surprise comes from the fact that replacing
iR = fR * 255 / Fp1;with
iR= ((fR<<8)-fR)>>13;Made a huge difference. This is the difference between spd3 and spd5. We are talking about a 20% speed up. Normally, the compiler did figure out that these were equivalent and generated code similar to the one I wrote even for the first form. I don't understand how writing it explicitly helped things. Anyway, here is the winner: spd5.
int16_t Ytab[256], CrTAB[512], CbTAB[512]; #define Fp1 0x2000 #define Fp(X) ((int16_t)((X)*Fp1)) #define RGBlo 0 #define RGBhi 255 void init_tables() { int Y, Yp, C, Cp; for(Y=0;Y<256;Y++) { if (Y<16) Yp= 16; else if (Y>235) Yp= 235; else Yp= Y; Ytab[Y]= (Yp-16)*Fp1 / 219; } for(C=0;C<256;C++) { if (C<16) Cp= 16; else if (C>240) Cp= 240; else Cp= C; CrTAB[2*C+0]= Fp(1.402 * (Cp-128)/224); CrTAB[2*C+1]= Fp(0.71414 * (Cp-128)/224); CbTAB[2*C+0]= Fp(0.34414 * (Cp-128)/224); CbTAB[2*C+1]= Fp(1.772 * (Cp-128)/224); } } #define CLAMP(X,L,H) ( (X)<(L)? (L) : ( (X)>(H) ? (H) : (X) ) ) void conv_YCbCr_to_RGB(uint8_t Y, uint8_t Cb, uint8_t Cr, uint8_t *R, uint8_t *G, uint8_t *B) { int16_t fY; int32_t fR, fG, fB, iR, iG, iB; fY= Ytab[Y]; fR= fY + CrTAB[2*Cr]; fG= fY - (CrTAB+1)[2*Cr] - CbTAB[2*Cb]; fB= fY + (CbTAB+1)[2*Cb]; iR = ((fR<<8)-fR)>>13; iG = ((fG<<8)-fG)>>13; iB = ((fB<<8)-fB)>>13; *R= CLAMP(iR,RGBlo,RGBhi); *G= CLAMP(iG,RGBlo,RGBhi); *B= CLAMP(iB,RGBlo,RGBhi); }
Another one was spd8. This was a modification of spd6. It turns out that my intuitive expression for clamping was grossly inefficient.
I had used: (D^Z) | ( X & ~(D&Z) ) A much better one is: ~Z & (X|D)However, the jumping code still outperforms this. Amazing. I guess all the shifting eats up so many cycles, it's just better run a compact jumping code. Here are the latest results:
image spd1 2814 usec image spd2 2615 usec image spd3 2454 usec image spd4 3233 usec image spd5 2019 usec image spd6 2727 usec image spd7 2022 usec image spd8 2327 usec random spd1 2828 usec random spd2 2611 usec random spd3 2495 usec random spd4 3268 usec random spd5 2042 usec random spd6 2765 usec random spd7 2014 usec random spd8 2365 usecAnyway, the whole excursion took me from 2800 usecs to 2000 usecs for a 640x480 image. That's a 40% increase in speed. Not that bad.
int16_t Ytab[256], CrTAB[512], CbTAB[512]; #define Fp1 0x2000 #define Fp(X) ((int16_t)((X)*Fp1)) void init_tables() { int Y, Yp, C, Cp; for(Y=0;Y<256;Y++) { if (Y<16) Yp= 16; else if (Y>235) Yp= 235; else Yp= Y; Ytab[Y]= (Yp-16)*Fp1 / 219; } for(C=0;C<256;C++) { if (C<16) Cp= 16; else if (C>240) Cp= 240; else Cp= C; CrTAB[2*C+0]= Fp(1.402 * (Cp-128)/224); CrTAB[2*C+1]= Fp(0.71414 * (Cp-128)/224); CbTAB[2*C+0]= Fp(0.34414 * (Cp-128)/224); CbTAB[2*C+1]= Fp(1.772 * (Cp-128)/224); } } void conv_YCbCr_to_RGB(uint8_t Y, uint8_t Cb, uint8_t Cr, uint8_t *R, uint8_t *G, uint8_t *B) { int16_t fY; int32_t fR, fG, fB, iR, iG, iB; fY= Ytab[Y]; fR= fY + CrTAB[2*Cr]; fG= fY - (CrTAB+1)[2*Cr] - CbTAB[2*Cb]; fB= fY + (CbTAB+1)[2*Cb]; iR = ((fR<<8)-fR)>>13; iG = ((fG<<8)-fG)>>13; iB = ((fB<<8)-fB)>>13; iR = iR < 0 ? 0 : iR; iG = iG < 0 ? 0 : iG; iB = iB < 0 ? 0 : iB; iR = iR > 255 ? 255 : iR; iG = iG > 255 ? 255 : iG; iB = iB > 255 ? 255 : iB; *R= iR; *G= iG; *B= iB; }Here are the results:
image random spd1 2808 2826 spd2 2606 2610 spd3 2454 2491 spd4 3233 3257 spd5 2021 2037 spd6 2739 2757 spd7 2022 2013 spd8 2521 2544 spd9 1820 1830This is 53% faster compared to the original algorithm. All the jumps are gone now. Following is the whole clamping and output code. iR,iG and iB are in %esi, %edx and %eax. I can't believe how clever is gcc-O3 (after I've told it what exactly to do, that is).
xorl %edi, %edi #this instruction is leftover from computation of iB sarl $13, %eax testl %esi, %esi cmovs %edi, %esi testl %edx, %edx cmovs %edi, %edx testl %eax, %eax cmovs %edi, %eax movb $-1, %dil cmpl $255, %esi cmovg %edi, %esi cmpl $255, %edx cmovg %edi, %edx cmpl $255, %eax movb %sil, (%rcx) cmovle %eax, %edi movb %dl, (%r8) movb %dil, (%r9)I'll stop now. I think this is enough optimization. Here is the source code I used for testing these things. You, dear internet surfer, don't need it. There is nothing special in there. You can simply copy the above code for spd9 and be done with it. On the other hand, I might use that package if I need to revise something.